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Driven by Principle

Our authorisation and decision framework are all made within the ambit of good governance, as prescribed by the principles of King IV. These principles and practices are linked to good governance desired outcomes.

Ethical Culture

The leadership and its employees will, at all times, uphold and conduct business to the highest values and ethics of the company. We will at all times conduct ourselves with integrity, fairness, respect and honesty and uphold the reputation of the company through our actions.

Good Performance

We focus on achieving the effective growth and job retention strategies. With the excellent
performance of the first year of operation, and after an extensive engagement with our material stakeholders, the Board adopted the four-focus area strategy, reviewed this strategy and found it relevant & effective.

Effective Control

The SBPM Board exercises effective control through the Board sub-committees. These being: the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), the Safety and Sustainable Development Committee (SSDC) and the Remuneration committee (REMCO).

Legitimacy and Tust

Building meaningful trusting relationships is the foundation principle of the SBPM Leadership team. Trust and legitimacy is a journey and not a destination, thus we endeavor to work towards improving the quality of our relationships with all our stakeholders.

Our Executives

Alternative Directors

Senior Heads of Departments


Abram Mabotja

​Production Manager: Richard Shaft

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Annual Report

Download our Annual Report to gain insights into our business.

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